The Relationship of Inclination and Anteversion Angles in The Femur with Other Osteometric Parameters

Femur inclination and anteversion angle


  • GAMZE TAŞKIN ŞENOL Bolu Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi



Femur, morphometry, inclination angle, anterversion angle, index.


Aim: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the morphometry of the femur, the component of the bony framework of the hip and knee joint, as a basis for clinically successful and accurate analysis.

Materials and Methods: The study included 65 dry femur bones and parameters determined; the femur length (FL), length of the bicondylar femur (LBF), diameter of the caput femoris (DCF), anterioposterior diameter of the corpus femoris (APDCF), transverse diameter of the corpus femoris (TDCF), circumference of the corpus femoris (CCF), inclination angle (IA), anteversion angle (AA), circumference of the caput femoris (CACF), femoral neck width (FNW), anterior femoral neck length (AFNL), femoral neck axis length (FNAL), intertrochanteric distance (ID), femoral body length (FBL), femoral body width (FBW), bicondylar distance (BD), width of the condylus lateralis (WCL), width of the condylus medialis (WCM), height of the fossa intercondylaris (HFI), width of the fossa intercondylaris (WFI) and fossa intercondylaris shape index (FISI) were measured.

Results: Mean±SD values of the determined parameters; FL; 42,2±2,7, LBF; 72,7±6,3, DCF; 74,5±6,1, APDCF; 44±4,1, TDCF; 27±2,3, CCF; 30,8±3, IA; 8,6±0,6, AA; 43,6±4,8, CACF; 16,5±4,4, FNW; 13,2±1,8, AFNL; 27,4±8,5, FNAL; 32,8±4,2, ID; 94,7±8,4, FBL; 73,4±8,8, FBW; 32,5±2,4, BD; 8,9±0,8, WCL; 32,6±4,4, WCM; 35,2±4,3, HFI; 16,7±4,1, WFI; 10,1±3.and FISI was calculated 0.6±0.2.

Conclusion: The analysis of the parameters will add clinical depth to many surgical approaches such as more accurate analysis of femoral anomalies and fractures, strain and tendinopathies occurring in soft tissues.




How to Cite

TAŞKIN ŞENOL G. The Relationship of Inclination and Anteversion Angles in The Femur with Other Osteometric Parameters : Femur inclination and anteversion angle. İJCMBS [Internet]. 2023 May 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];3(2):82-8. Available from: