Determination of dry tibia bone morphometry by photo analysis

Dry Tibia Bone Morphometry


  • Yusuf Secgin Karabuk University



Dry tibia bone, Morphometry, Photo analysis


Amaç: Bu çalışma, foto analiz yöntemi ile belirlenen kuru tibia kemiği parametrelerinin morfometrik analizini göstermek amacıyla yapılmıştır.

Malzemeler ve yöntemler:33 dry tibia bones in the bone collection of 3 universities were included in the study. Disintegrated and deformed dry tibia bones were excluded from the study. The bones obtained were positioned at a height of 40 cm with the help of a stabilizer on a guide scale with spaces of 1 cm, while the professional camera was positioned 60 cm high. The photos were transferred to image processing program Image J (Version 1.53e) in jpeg format. From the images transferred, the parameters of width of medial condyle (MC-W), height of medial condyle (MC-H), width of lateral condyle (LC-W), height of lateral condyle (LC-H), distance between medial and lateral intercondylar tubercle (LMIT-D), width of body of tibia (BT-W), length of total tibia (TT-L), height of medial malleolus (MM-H), angle of medial condyle- tibial tuberosity-lateral condyle (MCTTLG-A), angle of fibular notch - tibial tuberosity- medial malleolus (FNTTMM-A), height of inferior articular facet (IAS-H), width of inferior articular facet (IAS-W), distance between nutrient foramen- interosseous border (NFIB-D) were measured.

Background: This study was carried out to determine the morphometry of the dry tibia bones of the Turkish population using the photo analysis method.

Materials and Methods: 33 dry tibia bones were included in the study. The bones obtained were photographed with a professional camera. The photos were transferred to image processing program Image J (Version 1.53e) in jpeg format. From the images transferred, the parameters of articular surface width of medial condyle  (MC-ASW), articular surface height of medial condyle (MC-ASH), articular surface width of lateral condyle (LC-ASW), articular surface height of lateral condyle (LC-ASH), distance between medial and lateral intercondylar tubercle (LMIT-D), medium width of body of tibia (BT-MW), length of total tibia (TT-L), height of medial malleolus (MM-H), angle of medial condyle- tibial tuberosity-lateral condyle (MCTTLG-A), angle of fibular notch - tibial tuberosity- medial malleolus (FNTTMM-A), height of inferior articular facet (IAS-H), width of inferior articular facet (IAS-W), distance between nutrient foramen- interosseous border (NFIB-D) were measured. Results: Morphometric analysis results were: MC-ASW 6.558±0.896 cm, MC-ASH 9.502±1.364 cm, LC-ASW 6.035±0.988 cm, LC-ASH 8.655±1.673 cm, LMIT-D 3.169±0.632 cm, BT-MW 2.382±0.312 cm, TT-L 36.784±2.734 cm, MM-H 1.296±0.209 cm, MCTTLG-A 97.14±11.63°, FNTTMM-A 7.313±0.514°, IAS-H 6.219±0.776 cm, IAS-W 6.540±1.011 cm, NFIB-D 0.958±0.326 cm. A statistically significant correlation was found between MC-ASW and MC-ASH, LC-ASW, LC-ASH parameters, between MC-ASH and LC-ASH, TT-L parameters, and between BT-MW and TT-L parameters (p ≤0.05). Conclusion: As a result of our study, the morphometry of the parameters of the dry tibia bone in the Turkish population and the relationships between these parameters were revealed.

Keywords: Dry tibia bone, Morphometry, Photo analysis




How to Cite

Toy S, Secgin Y. Determination of dry tibia bone morphometry by photo analysis: Dry Tibia Bone Morphometry. İJCMBS [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];2(3). Available from: